PX1514 Astronomy and Meteorology (UG, S25). With Murilo Baptista.
Pre-calculus course in meteorology. Temperature, energy, humidity, condensation, clouds, stability, precipitation, motion, global circulation, ozone, climate change.
MX4555 Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos Theory II (UG, S24, S25)
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, invariant manifolds, bifurcations, index theory, limit cycles, chaos, Lyapunov exponents, discrete maps, fractals.
PX5510/PX5710 Statistics and Time Series Analysis (MSc, S24, S25). With Kapil Debnath and Mamen Romano.
Inferential statistics, time series analysis. Taught using Mathematica.
GEOG670 Planetary Atmospheres
(MSc, F23)
Atmospheric composition, thermodynamics, radiation, and dynamics, comparative planetary atmospheres.
PHYS200 Introduction to Space Sciences
(UG, S23, F23)
Gravitation and orbits, Earth, the Solar System, the Sun, space physics.
PHYS420 Space Applications II
(UG, S22, F22, S23, F23)
With Aquib Moin. Atmospheric and ionospheric physics, weather and climate monitoring, space data processing.
PHYS100 Astronomy
(UG, F19, S20, F20, F21, F22)
Astronomy for a general audience.
PHYS270 Celestial Mechanics (UG, S21)
Kepler's laws, celestial coordinate systems, orbital elements, 2- and 3-body problems, rotating reference frames, tides, orbital perturbations, rocket equation.
PHYS698 Selected
Topics I (MSc, F20, S22)
Fundamental, rotating, and geophysical fluid dynamics.
COSS711 Seminar I (PhD, S20)
Presentation skills for PhD students.
B1 Flows,
Fluctuations and Complexity (UG 3rd year, 2010-2014, 2015-2016).
Fluid dynamics, waves, convection, dynamical systems, chaos, stochastic physics, biophysics.
A2 Electromagnetism (UG 2nd year, 2014-2015).
Radiation, dielectric/magnetic media, conductors, plasmas, transmission lines.
B3 Atmospheric Physics (UG 3rd year, 2010).
Fluid dynamics, waves, rotating fluids, atmospheric structure, thermodynamics, general circulation,
thermohaline circulation, radiative transfer, greenhouse effect, carbon cycle, climate change.
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